Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Baja Fresh in New York!


Yes, the much anticipated California Mexican Food is here -- Baja Fresh! (now, only if Inn-N-Out would come out to New York then "us" native Californian's' would be set!)

So does it taste the same? It should right -- since its a chain? Oddly enough, it tastes a bit different to me - but perhaps my taste buds have shrunken in size as I have aged through the years -- i wish that was the case with my stomach! So, I only tried three things (yeah, i know - only three things) -- The pork carnitas taco (awesome), steak tacos (salty) and the mahi mahi salad (salty; friend's salad)... (pictures above)

So what was the same? a) The Salsa Bar -- oh yeah, what to choose with all the options? mango, traditional, hot or all the others?? b) The Secret Menu -- apparently you can order a Dos Manos Burrito (perhaps you have to eat it with two hands? or the size of two hands -- but, wow, it was BIG; picture above) ... don't waste your time looking for it on the menu - just ask and you will receive - but can you eat this so-called "double" burrito? A definite no for me - but many can - They should really start offering - "you get the burrito free if you can finish it in 10 minutes" -- have you ever seen that? These eat it and get it free places do exist - i've seen it for pancakes, burgers, oysters, and yes, even burritos. Maybe thats the next step on the "secret menu"

So if you want to try something other than the usual fast-food mexican joints like Qdoba, Chipotle, or Blockheads ... Pay Baja Fresh a visit at 465 Lexington Ave (between 45th and 46th) ..

Happy eating!

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